

Christoph Molnar

The interpretation of a weight in the linear regression model depends on the type of the corresponding feature.

  • Numerical feature: Increasing the numerical feature by one unit changes the estimated outcome by its weight. An example of a numerical feature is the size of a house.
  • Binary feature: A feature that takes one of two possible values for each instance. An example is the feature “House comes with a garden”. One of the values counts as the reference category (in some programming languages encoded with 0), such as “No garden”. Changing the feature from the reference category to the other category changes the estimated outcome by the feature’s weight.
  • Categorical feature with multiple categories: A feature with a fixed number of possible values. An example is the feature “floor type”, with possible categories “carpet”, “laminate” and “parquet”. A solution to deal with many categories is the one-hot-encoding, meaning that each category has its own binary column. For a categorical feature with L categories, you only need L-1 columns, because the L-th column would have redundant information (e.g. when columns 1 to L-1 all have value 0 for one instance, we know that the categorical feature of this instance takes on category L). The interpretation for each category is then the same as the interpretation for binary features. Some languages, such as R, allow you to encode categorical features in various ways.
  • Intercept : The intercept is the feature weight for the “constant feature”, which is always 1 for all instances. Most software packages automatically add this “1”-feature to estimate the intercept. The interpretation is: For an instance with all numerical feature values at zero and the categorical feature values at the reference categories, the model prediction is the intercept weight. The interpretation of the intercept is usually not relevant because instances with all features values at zero often make no sense. The interpretation is only meaningful when the features have been standardized (mean of zero, standard deviation of one). Then the intercept reflects the predicted outcome of an instance where all features are at their mean value.

The interpretation of the features in the linear regression model can be automated by using following text templates.

Interpretation of a Numerical Feature

An increase of feature by one unit increases the prediction for y by units when all other feature values remain fixed.

Interpretation of a Categorical Feature

Changing feature from the reference category to the other category increases the prediction for y by when all other features remain fixed.


Another important measurement for interpreting linear models is the R-squared measurement. R-squared tells you how much of the total variance of your target outcome is explained by the model. The higher R-squared, the better your model explains the data. The formula for calculating R-squared is:

SSE is the squared sum of the error terms:

SSE=\overset{n}{ \underset{i=1}{\sum}}(y^{(i)}-{\hat{y}}^{(i)})^2

SST is the squared sum of the data variance:

SST=\overset{n}{ \underset{i=1}{\sum}}(y^{(i)}-{\overline{y}})^2

The SSE tells you how much variance remains after fitting the linear model, which is measured by the squared differences between the predicted and actual target values. SST is the total variance of the target outcome. R-squared tells you how much of your variance can be explained by the linear model. R-squared usually ranges between 0 for models where the model does not explain the data at all and 1 for models that explain all of the variance in your data. It is also possible for R-squared to take on a negative value without violating any mathematical rules. This happens when SSE is greater than SST which means that a model does not capture the trend of the data and fits to the data worse than using the mean of the target as the prediction.

There is a catch, because R-squared increases with the number of features in the model, even if they do not contain any information about the target value at all. Therefore, it is better to use the adjusted R-squared, which accounts for the number of features used in the model. Its calculation is:


where p is the number of features and n the number of instances.

It is not meaningful to interpret a model with very low (adjusted) R-squared, because such a model basically does not explain much of the variance. Any interpretation of the weights would not be meaningful.

Feature Importance

The importance of a feature in a linear regression model can be measured by the absolute value of its t-statistic. The t-statistic is the estimated weight scaled with its standard error.


Let us examine what this formula tells us: The importance of a feature increases with increasing weight. This makes sense. The more variance the estimated weight has (= the less certain we are about the correct value), the less important the feature is. This also makes sense.


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