

What Are You Best Suited for?

The most important decision on embarking out after training is what type of position to pursue. In our survey of residents, the most common response is “undecided.” How do you decide the type of position for which you are best suited?

Many factors can influence your decision. An affinity for research and teaching will obviously steer you toward academics. Financial considerations such as your debt as well as the stability of remuneration may make you consider salaried or structured positions, but an entrepreneurial bent may lead you to start your own practice or join a new and growing practice. Although these factors will influence your choice, the most important factor in choosing the type of practice should be your personality. If you are not suited for academia or private practice, it is unlikely you will be happy and productive in either arena.

We have found the following brief survey helpful to our residents, as it provides a self assessment of their suitability for a particular type of practice. Just read each question and answer “yes,” “somewhat,” or “no.” Assign 1, 2, or 3 points respectively for each answer and total your score.



1. Do you prefer to make your own decisions?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

2. Are you comfortable with making difficult decisions?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

3. Are you organized and detailed oriented?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

4. Do you hate productivity incentives to see specified number of patients?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

5. Do you dislike clinical utilization monitored?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

6. Do you enjoy marketing and networking?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

7. Are you unwilling to compromise on your objectives to settle on an issue?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

8. Are you a competent record keeper?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

9. Do you enjoy managing and leadership?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

10. Are you good at containing expenses?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)

11. Do you have the mindset of a business owner who can focus on profits in addition to patient care?

Yes (1)

Somewhat (2)

No (3)


GRAND TOTAL (Total all 3 Columns)

**Adapted from Starting a Medical Practice, AMA

If you scored 11 points or fewer, you are most suited for a solo or small private practice. If you scored 1–22 points, you will fit in well with a large private practice group. If you scored more than 22 points, you desire a predictable and employed position either in a salaried position or in academics. There are no absolutes here, but this simple survey may give you some insight into your inner self and start you on your journey.


Practice Management in Healthcare Copyright © by Shyam Paryani, MD, MHA. All Rights Reserved.